Grr and double grrr

It really has been one of those days, we have all been a bit grumbly today, maybe it's the weather or maybe it's because we've had only one reserve placed on an animal this weekend - out of 82!!!! We have, however, had plenty many calls from people needing to rehome their pets or finding stray cats having given birth in their garden or shed - it really is desperate at the moment.
We are, of course, absolutely delighted to have a reserve on Bob (pictured), a dog I thought we would have for a long time because of his background and nervous disposition but the people went to meet him and his previous housemate Rita, but fell instantly in love with him and didn't 'need' to see Rita.
Bob was taken off his owner by the police. He had 7 dogs in total and the man was an alcoholic and seemingly not giving them the care they needed. In the end the police allowed one animal to be returned and we took in 3 out of the remaining 6 because that is all we had space for, but the others also found somewhere to go too, so don't worry, nothing awful happened to them.
We had named the dogs Rita, Sue and Bob - Sue found a home really quickly but Rita and Bob were both quite nervy and timid after their former life experience. Bob is a lovely dog and with a bit of patience and tlc he will prove to be a wonderfully loyal and loving companion. I will keep you posted on the home visit - but paws crossed!
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