Busy weekend, I hope

Well, I'm hoping tomorrow will bring more reserves on some of our wonderful animals, so please keep your paws crossed.....
On Saturday I went to the RSPCA Regional Meeting in Preston with trustee Stuart. It gives branches a chance to get together and catch up as well as talk about important matters effecting the region. The reason I was there was because we had won an award from the national RSPCA for all our microchipping promotional work in 2008. I collected it and posed for photos, so you may get to see me in the newspaper!
Do you remember I told you last time about the puppy whose owner thought her boyfriend has beaten him up, well he went to stay with my best mate Julie on Friday and so I've been camped out at her house as much as possible to check him out. I'm saddened to report that there is something quite wrong with the little fella. I'm taking him back to the vets tomorrow but I think he either some neurological damage, or maybe a middle ear infection. He cranes his head to one side, makes into objects, is clumsy, very clingy and doesn't play like a puppy - he is just really quite anxious and quivers as he breathes (unless he is a asleep). I'll update you when I know more, but needless to say we are worried about him.
The week ahead is looking busy. On Thursday I'm in Southport taking part in the delivery of a rabbit welfare training event that our branch is paying for to help the Inspectors. We've got the fabulous exotic vet Molly Varga delivering all the technical stuff whilst me and my friend Anne will gush about how ace bunnies are!
And I will be busy getting stuff ready for our sponsored Mutt Strutt on Sunday 26th round Boggart Hole Clough. Anyone can join in and all you need to do is email to register, get either £10 sponsorship or make a £15 donation and in return each dog gets a free goody bag, rosette (if they arrive in time!), free microchipping and free entry into a raffle. So far we have 35 dogs/walkers signed up and I'm hoping we will get even more on the day. We are doing it in conjunction with a fab charity called Nowzad Dogs - check their website out for more info: www.nowzaddogs.co.uk
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