Holiday Forever

That's what I've decided, I want to holiday forever. So, in my bid to have the funds to holiday forever I tried a scratch card and won £2. Tried another scratch card and won a £1. I then got bored and gave up. So, it was back to reality with a bite this morning -literally. My menace of a bunny, Mildred, ever the one for showing her affection with a growl and a nip decided that she'd rather I hadn't returned and sunk her teeth into my ankle this morning, all because I was there. I tell you, if it wasn't for how pretty she is and how much she loves her boyfriend Popeye I'd........
Actually, what was a really nice welcome back was the news that we have 3 dogs and 3 cats on reserve. I am especially pleased because one of the cats, a hunky man called Zeus (pictured), has been with us an unnecessarily long amount of time, just like Mojo (pictured), who I thought would have gone sooner too.
I will of course keep you posted but hopefully they will all be in their new homes by the end of the week - wishful thinking or cheerful optimism? You decide!
Anyway, I know I have a number rather loyal followers and I am ever so grateful to you all. So, I was wondering if any of you might know where I can borrow some trestle tables from for Sunday 20th September's Chorlton Water Park Family Fun Day? Also, does anyone know a celebrity who would like to be guest of honour at our gala evening and compere the auction? And, whilst I'm at, does anyone know anyone good to ask for an auction or raffle prize from for the gala evening? Any help would be really appreciative as I am struggling for time with everything going on at the moment and the more help I can get the better.
In the meantime I'm going to spend the rest of my day off designing the tickets for the gala evening - so if you want one, please ask!
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